1.   But the protest never materialized.

2.   He later distanced himself from that remark, and no violent protests materialized.

3.   Although extra security had been arranged, no protest had materialized.

4.   And no one is sure how the military will respond this week if big protests materialize, as expected, near Parliament and the presidential palace.

5.   But despite criticism of the war in Russia, mass protests have not materialized.

6.   But feared protests had not materialized by midmorning.

7.   However, that protest did not materialize.

8.   In recent years, only disjointed labor protests have materialized.

9.   The protest did not materialize.

n. + materialize >>共 342
surplus 4.03%
deal 2.80%
threat 2.45%
protest 1.58%
plan 1.40%
attack 1.23%
fund 1.23%
project 1.23%
saving 1.23%
scenario 1.23%
protest + v. >>共 412
be 24.52%
continue 4.48%
come 3.91%
take 3.84%
begin 3.81%
erupt 3.39%
end 3.02%
turn 2.82%
spread 1.91%
follow 1.88%
materialize 0.22%
每页显示:    共 9