1.   The site, or sites, at which protein kinase C exerts these inhibitory effects is unresolved.

2.   Staurosporine is a potent inhibitor of protein kinase C.

3.   Protein kinase C phosphorylates Gi and prevents its inhibitory action on the catalytic subunit.

4.   Pertussis toxin pretreatment also inactivates Gi and therefore a reduced or negligible effect of activation of protein kinase C is seen under these circumstances.

5.   Although adenosine receptors couple to several signalling systems in myocytes we now believe that protein kinase C is the important one for preconditioning.

6.   PKA represents a single protein kinase A phosphoacceptor site that is required for transcriptional activation.

7.   The DNA-dependent protein kinase phosphorylates a number of transcription factors.

8.   Cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinases are also found in humans, Dr. Sokolowski said, so the research may eventually have implications for the study of eating disorders.

9.   It interferes with the production of protein kinase C-alpha, a substance that appears to be involved in the abnormal cell growth of cancer.

10.   Others blocked protein kinase C, an enzyme which may orchestrate the depolarization from within the cell.

n. + kinase >>共 6
protein 60.00%
thymidine 20.00%
tyrosine 8.00%
c-jun 4.00%
enzyme 4.00%
receptor 4.00%
protein + n. >>共 232
molecule 7.85%
synthesis 4.94%
supplement 3.49%
content 3.34%
concentration 3.05%
shake 2.62%
fragment 2.47%
level 2.33%
structure 2.18%
kinase 2.18%
每页显示:    共 15