1.   Vegetation indirectly created the protective ozone shield by pumping oxygen into the atmosphere.

2.   The levels of protective ozone over the Antarctic have reached their lowest ever recorded level, according to measurements taken by a NASA satellite.

3.   How much larger will it get before the decay of the protective ozone lawyer catches the presidential eye?

4.   No more chlorofluorocarbons, the refrigerants that can destroy protective ozone in the atmosphere.

a. + ozone >>共 97
high 9.09%
antarctic 5.88%
low-level 5.35%
federal 4.81%
stratospheric 4.81%
low 3.74%
worst 3.21%
protective 2.14%
arctic 2.14%
highest 2.14%
protective + n. >>共 532
clothing 6.60%
gear 6.02%
suit 3.95%
order 3.74%
measure 3.45%
effect 3.32%
equipment 2.12%
cover 1.95%
barrier 1.91%
layer 1.54%
ozone 0.17%
每页显示:    共 4