1.   As a small child my nose just tipped over the protective barriers.

2.   By progressively melting and falling off, an ablative heat shield can form a very effective protective barrier.

3.   However, many new serums act as a protective barrier and seem to improve hair suppleness, too.

4.   Oils produced by the skin form a protective barrier against infection and disease.

5.   The Rhode Island company also piled up other protective barriers.

6.   The simplest protective barrier is a geographical one, namely to conduct the training away from other centres of activity within the organisation.

7.   Wooden planters filled with annuals formed a low protective barrier around the perimeter.

8.   You poke it up and in before the action begins, thus providing a protective barrier against pregnancy and sexually-transmitted diseases.

9.   But the feel of his hand against her back was like a protective barrier, drawing her to him, shutting everyone else out.

10.   And since local authorities often own stakes in these mini-ventures, they erect protective barriers that hinder progress toward a national auto market.

a. + barrier >>共 504
concrete 6.74%
legal 3.65%
cultural 2.95%
metal 2.95%
racial 2.76%
physical 2.44%
major 2.34%
regulatory 2.30%
protective 2.15%
psychological 2.06%
protective + n. >>共 532
clothing 6.60%
gear 6.02%
suit 3.95%
order 3.74%
measure 3.45%
effect 3.32%
equipment 2.12%
cover 1.95%
barrier 1.91%
layer 1.54%
每页显示:    共 46