1.   They resented standing in line while tellers explained money-Market accounts and no-load funds to prospective investors.

2.   In many cases where a firm provides corporate finance services to an issuer of investments, it may make offers to or enter into transactions with prospective investors.

3.   The next issue is that we know that these prospective inward investors are likely to be looking for a site in reasonably attractive setting.

4.   And prospective investors appear to be getting the message.

5.   Barneys earlier said Saks refused its offer to sign a confidentiality agreement similar to those signed by other prospective investors.

6.   Betty just smiled when asked what advice he would give to prospective EarthLink investors.

7.   Blair is now being investigated by prosecutors and securities regulators who want to know what Palagonia and the firm told prospective investors.

8.   All these costs help explain why lending institutions specializing in vineyard properties expect a huge amount of due diligence on the part of prospective investors.

9.   But prospective investors may receive the report somewhat skeptically.

10.   But others worried that the staunch opposition mounted against the Disney project here would deter prospective investors.

a. + investor >>共 447
foreign 25.04%
institutional 8.73%
individual 4.59%
japanese 3.66%
private 3.30%
international 2.69%
small 2.67%
potential 2.40%
new 1.95%
domestic 1.81%
prospective 0.44%
prospective + n. >>共 547
buyer 10.96%
juror 6.56%
candidate 4.66%
member 4.41%
employer 3.18%
parent 3.05%
investor 2.96%
customer 2.77%
employee 2.70%
student 2.44%
每页显示:    共 92