1.   Before serving, sprinkle top of each pudding with palm or brown sugar and use a propane torch or run under broiler until sugar bubbles and begins to burn.

2.   A propane torch will also thaw pipes, but the risk of fire is great.

3.   Burn with a propane torch until top browns and crisps up.

4.   Burn off any protruding fibers with a propane torch.

5.   Caramelize by placing under preheated broiler or with a propane pastry torch.

6.   Do not use a propane torch.

7.   He holds the strip with a vise grip and heats it with a propane torch.

8.   Melt sugar to caramel color with a propane torch or place under the broiler.

9.   Next, grip the screw with a pair of pliers and heat it over the flame of a propane torch until it is deep blue.

10.   Propane torches are available in hardware stores and are easy to use.

n. + torch >>共 45
blow 26.75%
acetylene 13.38%
propane 12.10%
tiki 7.64%
sconce 5.10%
hand 2.55%
peace 2.55%
gas 1.91%
relay 1.91%
bamboo 1.27%
propane + n. >>共 59
tank 27.02%
gas 10.25%
torch 5.90%
heater 4.97%
burner 4.35%
stove 4.35%
canister 4.04%
cylinder 3.11%
explosion 2.80%
company 2.80%
每页显示:    共 19