1.   He is hardly the only prominent absentee.

2.   Other prominent absentees with club commitments will be John Harkes and Eric Wynalda.

3.   Krayzelburg, holder of three world records and three Olympic golds, is the most prominent absentee from this meet.

4.   Other prominent absentees with club commitments will be John Harkes and Joe-Max Moore.

5.   Other prominent absentees with club commitments will be John Harkes and Roy Wegerle.

6.   The withdrawals by Torrence and Devers were announced Thursday, adding their names to a growing list of prominent absentees.

7.   The most prominent absentees from the welcoming ceremony were the Australian and American ambassadors.

8.   The most prominent absentees from the welcoming ceremony were the Australian and US ambassadors.

a. + absentee >>共 36
notable 35.59%
only 9.32%
prominent 6.78%
key 5.93%
conspicuous 5.08%
major 2.54%
noticeable 2.54%
other 2.54%
the 2.54%
definite 1.69%
prominent + n. >>共 1174
role 4.52%
figure 3.93%
politician 3.62%
member 3.52%
leader 3.19%
businessman 2.86%
family 2.07%
opposition 2.02%
lawyer 1.73%
dissident 1.46%
absentee 0.11%
每页显示:    共 8