1.   However, the profit potential of an untapped consumer Market is tantalizing scores of corporations.

2.   Although take-out meals clearly have profit potential, the move to meat loaf is not a natural one for a petrochemical concern.

3.   American business leaders have become increasingly interested in the profit potential of Cuba as it moves toward the post-Castro era.

4.   And court testimony and documents that were made public in the Peterman case also offered some insight into the profit potential.

5.   And Mays has a reputation for shrewdly assessing the profit potential of each purchase.

6.   As game software and hardware become more elaborate and the profit potential grows, the development budgets of hit software titles are swelling as well.

7.   Brazilian stocks were little changed on concern that more dramatic declines in the market could offset any profit potential offered by low prices in relation to earnings expectations.

8.   A network would have huge profit potential that could help pay more to build the arena.

9.   But Bronner is an inveterate capitalist, and UPromise has evolved into a marketing business with an enormous profit potential.

10.   But companies with good prospects and profit potential do not seem to be having much trouble lining up big bucks.

n. + potential >>共 251
growth 23.46%
earnings 9.10%
profit 7.13%
market 5.26%
export 3.29%
tourism 2.08%
revenue 2.08%
business 1.97%
investment 1.86%
power 1.54%
profit + n. >>共 282
growth 25.28%
warning 11.60%
forecast 5.46%
report 4.08%
figure 3.64%
increase 2.62%
gain 2.59%
outlook 2.59%
motive 2.30%
decline 2.24%
potential 1.94%
每页显示:    共 65