1.   After several weeks of sleepless nights, Walter sought professional help.

2.   However, the advice about seeking professional help still applies.

3.   I know that you have financial problems, but there must be a way to get the professional help you need.

4.   It is very important for parents to get professional help as soon as they recognize any of these warning signs.

5.   It is very important for parents to get professional help if this problem arises.

6.   The extent to which bereavement is worked through depends on self-awareness, external support, professional help and general attitudes.

7.   You may need to seek professional help.

8.   You need to seek some professional help.

9.   A lot of these children need professional help.

10.   Accused him of being a no-good drunkard who needed professional help for his problem.

a. + help >>共 771
financial 7.49%
medical 5.47%
international 4.30%
professional 3.21%
outside 3.17%
federal 2.64%
extra 2.59%
military 2.44%
big 2.11%
foreign 1.94%
professional + n. >>共 916
sport 6.66%
football 3.89%
athlete 3.36%
baseball 2.44%
career 2.41%
basketball 2.17%
life 1.82%
team 1.45%
league 1.38%
help 1.27%
每页显示:    共 169