1.   But with a crowded and expensive primary field, and a well-financed Republican opponent in the general election, Feinstein professed her devotion to life in the Senate.

2.   He still professes devotion to his city, spars with reporters and acts as though he has everything under control.

3.   If God wants you to win because you are faithful, does that mean He wants your opponents -- who profess equal devotion -- to lose?

4.   Which brings us to Al Gore and Bill Bradley, two Democrats who daily profess their devotion to the poor and trumpet their keen empathy for black Americans.

5.   Many young Chinese profess no devotion to the tenets of Marx or Mao and want to join the party to boost career prospects in business and government.

v. + devotion >>共 112
inspire 9.00%
show 3.32%
express 3.32%
demonstrate 2.84%
proclaim 2.37%
perform 2.37%
share 2.37%
profess 2.37%
demand 1.90%
offer 1.90%
profess + n. >>共 121
love 11.04%
innocence 10.61%
faith 4.33%
interest 4.33%
loyalty 3.90%
concern 3.46%
belief 2.81%
admiration 2.60%
commitment 2.60%
ignorance 2.60%
devotion 1.08%
每页显示:    共 5