1.   Another requirement to respond to unanticipated change is a short production cycle.

2.   The main reason for this is that the production cycle, that is the time taken to produce goods for sale, can be relatively long.

3.   Besides increased sales of replacement tires, sales to car makers have risen by reducing tire production cycle times and by developments in research and development, he said.

4.   One unusual job in the production cycle is ripping up discarded boxes that pile up in recycling bins.

5.   Pugmire hopes someday to get in on the production cycle earlier, actual writing the computer programs for the next batch of products.

6.   Slowdowns because of final inspection sign-offs at the end of the process set back the entire production cycle.

7.   Specifically, they encompass supervision of all onstage rehearsals in the five-day production cycle and the often frantic script rewrites that accompany them.

8.   Some decrease in sales is common when a vehicle is nearing the end of a production cycle and a new generation is about to appear.

9.   The deal includes a major concession to Lewis in that the funding used to purchase the planes would not set the production cycle in motion.

10.   The deal includes a concession to Lewis that the funding used to purchase the planes would not set in motion the production cycle.

n. + cycle >>共 289
election 14.46%
news 5.02%
spin 3.70%
product 3.35%
budget 2.63%
growth 2.03%
song 1.91%
sleep 1.79%
market 1.79%
production 1.79%
production + n. >>共 627
cost 10.53%
company 7.18%
capacity 4.18%
facility 3.94%
cut 2.97%
process 2.91%
figure 2.44%
level 2.07%
quota 1.88%
value 1.82%
cycle 0.21%
每页显示:    共 15