1.   By the end of the year Oman had raised its production close to capacity and efforts were under way to boost production capability.

2.   Biotech companies could save a lot of money by contracting for the use of already-existing production capabilities in other states and around the world, they explain.

3.   But Murphy declined to confirm the report, saying that Boeing managers meet regularly to assess production capability, market demand and other factors.

4.   Meanwhile, North Korea exports ballistic missiles and their production capabilities to countries such as Iran, Libya, Syria and Egypt.

5.   The suit noted the Cambridge biotechcompany has increased pilot production in Massachusetts and that Hochest also has full scale production capabilities.

6.   The transaction will allow Rocky Mountain to further develop its research and production capabilities, said Grayson Bain, founder of the Vancouver, British Columbia-based company.

7.   Those chemical agents were supplied by Iran, but the Libyan government has for years been working on establishing its own production capabilities.

8.   While the company declines to provide sales figures, Maillol notes that demand far outweighs their production capabilities.

9.   Allied bombing of its oil installations sharply cut back its production capability.

10.   Butler said production capability was still a concern, especially for long-range missiles, many of which had been destroyed.

n. + capability >>共 309
defense 5.66%
missile 3.52%
intelligence 2.64%
weapon 2.64%
production 2.26%
research 2.14%
management 2.01%
search 2.01%
big-play 2.01%
defence 1.89%
production + n. >>共 627
cost 10.53%
company 7.18%
capacity 4.18%
facility 3.94%
cut 2.97%
process 2.91%
figure 2.44%
level 2.07%
quota 1.88%
value 1.82%
capability 0.26%
每页显示:    共 18