1.   As a pool of very cold air aloft arrives over the Northwest, few of these showers are likely to produce small hail.

2.   As the sun heats the ground and overlying atmosphere, vigorous currents of rising air will generate clouds and spotty showers, some of which will produce small hail.

3.   A few of the storms will reach severe levels, producing large hail, damaging straight-line winds and tornadoes.

4.   A few of the storms may reach severe levels, with the potential to produce large hail, damaging straight-line winds and tornadoes.

5.   A few of the thunderstorms will reach severe levels, producing large hail and damaging winds.

6.   A few of these storms will be quite formidable, capable of producing hail and damaging winds.

7.   Afternoon thunderstorms will produce hail and heavy rain in parts of Arizona and a few storms may drift into the deserts of California.

8.   Erupting storms will have the potential to produce hail, damaging straight-line winds and tornadoes.

9.   In addition to pockets of heavy rain, storms could produce hail.

10.   Isolated severe thunderstorms produced hail and damaging winds in parts of western Minnesota and the Dakotas on Thursday as low pressure lifted unseasonably warm air over the region.

v. + hail >>共 56
produce 13.95%
report 11.63%
unleash 6.20%
fire 3.88%
bring 3.88%
contain 3.10%
spray 3.10%
meet 2.33%
draw 2.33%
pour 2.33%
produce + n. >>共 1722
result 3.89%
evidence 1.86%
weapon 1.01%
agreement 0.93%
show 0.90%
goods 0.89%
electricity 0.86%
product 0.85%
film 0.82%
document 0.79%
hail 0.09%
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