1.   Thus, Hindu religious processions often passed Mohammedan mosques at prayer time and that irritated the followers of the Prophet.

2.   And in the afternoon, a funeral procession passed through town, mourners waving their arms and singing,

3.   As another wedding procession passed, Hill grabbed the hand of a young flower girl who was teetering precariously on the high heels.

4.   As the procession passed, cars pulled over to the curb and people got out to pay their respects.

5.   As the procession passed a movie theater, he said, police in a white Opel Cadet cruised alongside, videotaping him.

6.   A fellow was out working in his yard when a strange funeral procession passed in front of his house.

7.   Cars still pull to the side of the road to let a funeral procession pass.

8.   It germinated the day she saw two funeral processions pass the stand.

9.   The colonel was on his tractor in the fields, but he got down, took off his hat and held it over his heart until the procession passed.

n. + pass >>共 1728
bill 5.66%
time 4.40%
parliament 3.92%
deadline 3.07%
measure 2.63%
year 2.19%
state 2.00%
day 1.90%
government 1.70%
legislation 1.39%
procession 0.28%
procession + v. >>共 97
be 14.20%
pass 8.33%
begin 6.48%
go 5.25%
start 4.32%
move 3.40%
reach 3.09%
end 2.78%
make 2.16%
take 2.16%
每页显示:    共 27