1.   A byproduct is spent fuel with plutonium and other highly radioactive products, which can be processed to make bomb ingredients.

2.   But low-enriched uranium can be processed to make high-enriched uranium.

3.   But once a cow is slaughtered for meat, or eggs are processed to make other foods, regulatory authority shifts to Agriculture.

4.   Soybeans can be processed to make soybean meal for animal feed or soybean oil, used in margarine and mayonnaise among other products.

5.   In an effort to reassure potential investors, he said the regulatory framework had been strengthened and the privatisation process made transparent.

v. + make >>共 1093
use 22.37%
do 5.23%
work 3.50%
be 3.16%
can 1.99%
combine 1.78%
say 1.46%
will 1.11%
check 1.05%
fight 0.86%
process 0.10%
process + v. >>共 38
use 11.32%
make 9.43%
produce 7.55%
meet 5.66%
begin 3.77%
be 1.89%
boost 1.89%
can 1.89%
complement 1.89%
contain 1.89%
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