1.   The user must log onto the LIFESPAN installation account with the default directory and UIC set to that of the process directory.

2.   When random access media items are being used, the media items must contain a directory which has the same name as the LIFESPAN process directory.

3.   LIFESPAN process directory far less thanprocess directory namegreater than inaccessible.

4.   When random access media items are being used, each media item must have a directory on it whose name is the same as the LIFESPAN process directory.

5.   In the example configuration file this file is held in the process directory as HCLOCATE.FIL.

6.   This should be run as a batch program from the process directory when the LIFESPAN process is not running.

7.   The program may be run interactively or in batch from the process directory when the LIFESPAN process is not running.

8.   The Validation program must be run from the LIFESPAN installation account with the default directory and UIC set to that of the process directory.

9.   These are defined in a file, ROLES.DAT, within the LIFESPAN process directory.

n. + directory >>共 89
phone 16.88%
storage 8.86%
default 8.02%
city 4.64%
process 3.80%
root 3.80%
business 2.53%
e-mail 2.53%
search 2.53%
file 1.69%
process + n. >>共 402
model 3.91%
application 3.79%
server 2.73%
information 2.49%
move 2.01%
claim 1.78%
order 1.78%
work 1.66%
control 1.54%
technology 1.54%
directory 1.07%
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