1.   Also, certain constraints have the potential to make both problems worse.

2.   The problem is made worse by the lack of a central authority for water management.

3.   The problems were made worse by the ineffectual political leadership of the coalition.

4.   Wallowing in angst about the unfairness of it all will just make the problem worse.

5.   Wallowing in angst at the unfairness of it all will only make the problem worse.

6.   When you become anxious about sleeplessness, you actually make the problem worse.

7.   But some experts fear the advertisements could actually make the problem worse.

8.   It will just mean making the problems worse by introducing more prisoners to the system.

9.   And because homeowners are apt to install the new device themselves, some may make the problem worse, the critics add.

10.   And longer lenses made the problem worse.

n. + worse >>共 171
matter 43.93%
thing 17.15%
situation 10.85%
problem 6.98%
condition 1.52%
life 0.68%
look 0.61%
crisis 0.53%
plight 0.38%
loss 0.38%
problem + a. >>共 70
worse 47.42%
unsolved 3.09%
serious_enough 2.06%
intractable 2.06%
difficult 2.06%
unattended 1.55%
easier 1.55%
prior 1.55%
acute 1.03%
early 1.03%
每页显示:    共 92