1.   A successful railroad auction on Thursday effectively revived the flagging privatization effort of President Ernesto Zedillo.

2.   Aides to Gore, who has opposed privatization efforts, are pointing to the study to bolster their claims that private retirement accounts would produce vast inequities.

3.   But the case was not unique, and as privatization efforts have bogged down, industries that have become bloated, bankrupt and outmoded continue to slouch along.

4.   But the Rampart corruption case occurred during his tenure, and his early privatization efforts collapsed and turned into a cozy working relationship with union leaders.

5.   Clinton, who met privately with local officials involved in the privatization effort, said the federal government will do its part to make sure it happens.

6.   French privatization efforts are less sweeping.

7.   Pizer said communities have increasingly turned to privatization efforts as a way to save jobs at risk in the base-closing process.

8.   Privatization efforts have proved successful not only in several foreign countries, but also several U.S. jurisdictions.

9.   Similar privatization efforts underway in Eastern Europe and Latin America should create more buying opportunities for American and Western European companies.

10.   Still, it goes further than other privatization efforts in asking the private sector to take on a task that the city itself has not been prepared to do.

n. + effort >>共 520
peace 14.19%
rescue 9.15%
relief 6.69%
government 4.86%
war 3.53%
mediation 2.98%
recovery 2.31%
reform 2.17%
aid 1.39%
team 1.35%
privatization 0.28%
privatization + n. >>共 131
program 18.07%
plan 17.03%
process 6.33%
deal 5.18%
effort 3.57%
auction 2.65%
drive 2.30%
project 2.07%
agency 1.96%
policy 1.73%
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