1.   B uses the secret private key to Decrypt the message and read it.

2.   Clearly, one advantage of public-key cryptography is that no one can figure out the private key from the corresponding public key.

3.   Lawful use of the private key entitles the holder to the delivery of the goods.

4.   The private key, used to encrypt transmitted information by the user, is kept secret.

5.   An increasing number of countries are passing laws to give private keys the same legal force as signatures.

6.   A private key will do away with hard-to-remember logins and passwords for websites, as well as all those credit cards and PINs.

7.   But the private key that is needed to unscramble the message must be kept a secret by the person who holds it.

8.   Decoding the scrambled transmission requires a private key, a number supposedly known only by the recipient.

9.   In a public-key encryption system, a person has a public key and a private key.

10.   In this system, a person has a public key and a private key.

a. + key >>共 307
low 11.90%
return 7.01%
real 4.22%
the 2.40%
public 2.21%
private 2.21%
big 2.21%
spare 2.02%
piano 1.92%
different 1.73%
private + n. >>共 747
company 6.61%
life 2.16%
investment 2.16%
investor 1.97%
business 1.93%
meeting 1.79%
property 1.69%
group 1.54%
home 1.41%
citizen 1.41%
key 0.07%
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