1.   In a private booth, the voter would insert the card into the voting machine.

2.   Instead of pulling on pants to see which fit best, customers can step into a private booth where instruments scan their bodies in three dimensions to determine sizes.

3.   It all becomes irrelevant on election day, however, when voters go into a private booth to choose who will be the new focus of respect.

4.   The branches will contain ATM machines and video banking, a private video booth by which customers communicate with employees at a central service center.

5.   The layout includes an elevated bamboo dance floor, cabanas, private booths with water sofas and sky boxes with private balconies.

6.   The trainer stayed in his private booth but received a standing ovation from the crowd as the winner was announced.

7.   Although voting was supposed to be secret, there were no private booths for voters and it was easy to see for whom a person voted.

8.   Although voting was supposed to be secret, there were no private booths for voters and it was easy to see whom a person voted for.

9.   The vote was largely conducted in open spaces, with no private booths and armed soldiers were present at most polling stations.

a. + booth >>共 220
voting 28.57%
broadcast 12.63%
token 5.08%
next 1.89%
small 1.65%
broadcasting 1.42%
sound 1.42%
back 1.30%
private 1.06%
nearby 0.94%
private + n. >>共 747
company 6.61%
life 2.16%
investment 2.16%
investor 1.97%
business 1.93%
meeting 1.79%
property 1.69%
group 1.54%
home 1.41%
citizen 1.41%
booth 0.03%
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