1.   A prison doctor who treated the accused sent an affidavit about his mental state.

2.   The prison doctor refused unless she agreed to drink a cup of tea and eat a piece of bread and butter.

3.   At the time he was working as a prison doctor.

4.   A prison doctor checks him twice a day, and will set up a special diet for him to slowly begin eating solid foods again.

5.   But even prison system doctors question whether these inspections adequately measure the quality of medical care.

6.   But prison doctors usually remain on hand to pronounce the convict dead and sometimes are required to monitor the procedure, too.

7.   Fourteen minutes later, the prison doctor declared him dead.

8.   He picked up those drugs at the UTMB prison hospital in Galveston, bypassing the prison doctors and pharmacy.

9.   He worked his cons first on the prison doctors, who recommended his early release, and perhaps tragically on a prison librarian.

10.   Her husband, Dr. William Bonner, of Stockton, Mo., was a prison doctor.

n. + doctor >>共 368
team 31.22%
spin 4.88%
hospital 4.38%
eye 4.16%
abortion 3.16%
government 2.53%
prison 2.44%
army 2.08%
tournament 1.72%
woman 1.45%
prison + n. >>共 364
sentence 14.69%
term 11.28%
official 9.18%
guard 5.33%
system 3.38%
authority 2.84%
condition 2.63%
time 2.57%
cell 2.29%
officer 1.90%
doctor 0.52%
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