1.   For other food or drug products, this kind of claim would be subject to prior independent government scrutiny.

2.   Foreign companies will need prior government approval to prevent hostile corporate takeovers.

3.   Such technological assistance to the Chinese requires prior government approval, which Loral had not received.

4.   The case will be heard by U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson, whose earlier ruling against Microsoft in a prior government action was overturned on appeal.

5.   Virtually all are holdovers from the prior government, whose primary judicial experience has been to use existing laws to perpetuate an unjust society.

6.   Welteke was finance minister in the state Social Democratic government prior to the central bank appointment.

7.   Police outlawed the march, which they said had failed to get prior government approval.

8.   Because the border village is off-limits to civilians, the council needs prior government permission.

9.   But analysts believe the no-confidence vote appeared mostly aimed at discrediting the government prior to presidential elections later this year.

10.   He also demanded that Musharraf lift a ban on public meetings held without prior government approval.

a. + government >>共 549
federal 8.18%
new 5.93%
local 3.51%
bosnian 3.49%
japanese 2.41%
state 2.17%
israeli 2.00%
british 1.96%
chinese 1.85%
russian 1.85%
prior 0.05%
prior + n. >>共 971
approval 5.18%
knowledge 3.38%
year 2.68%
record 2.59%
commitment 2.32%
conviction 2.19%
experience 1.95%
permission 1.83%
notice 1.58%
agreement 1.49%
government 1.34%
每页显示:    共 44