1.   In this report we present two other patients from The Netherlands Cancer Institute with isolated primary oesophageal involvement by lymphoma.

2.   Including our two patients, only eight cases of isolated primary oesophageal involvement by lymphoma have been published.

3.   Although difficult, an early diagnosis of primary oesophageal lymphoma seems to be vital as the response to treatment is often good.

4.   Given the rarity of isolated primary oesophageal involvement by lymphoma, one may question its clinical significance.

5.   In some cases, however, the clustered contractions appear as a series of tertiary contractions of the type often found in primary oesophageal motility disorders.

a. + oesophageal >>共 38
lower 31.11%
normal 7.41%
corrosive 5.93%
upper 5.19%
prolonged 5.19%
impaired 4.44%
primary 3.70%
basal 2.96%
median 2.22%
severe 2.22%
primary + n. >>共 1157
reason 3.14%
source 2.92%
season 2.62%
concern 2.42%
goal 2.41%
campaign 2.20%
responsibility 2.07%
state 1.93%
focus 1.66%
voter 1.47%
oesophageal 0.07%
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