1.   But it is not only Marxists who argue that bureaucracies May owe their primary allegiance to a particular class.

2.   But in the private sector, those boards are made up of hired hands, whose primary allegiance may be to the company rather than to the research participants.

3.   Extending labor law protections to those workers, business groups said, forces companies to hire and pay people whose primary allegiance is to the unionkthe company.

4.   Here as well, he declared that his primary allegiance was to ballet.

5.   In that national government, representatives owe primary allegiance not to the people of a state, but to the people of the nation.

6.   Others have given primary allegiance to their agents.

7.   Others have, and though they stress that their primary allegiance is to the lab, no one disputes that their dual roles are a touchy subject.

8.   These early Christians knew that their primary allegiance was not to biological ties, rather to God and the family of faith.

9.   China allows state-sanctioned Catholic and Protestant churches but in recent years many unofficial churches have mushroomed, which do not swear primary allegiance to Beijing.

10.   China permits only officially sanctioned religious groups which pledge primary allegiance to Beijing.

a. + allegiance >>共 132
political 17.88%
party 5.96%
primary 3.97%
shifting 2.32%
switching 2.32%
national 1.99%
dual 1.99%
blind 1.99%
sworn 1.99%
divided 1.66%
primary + n. >>共 1157
reason 3.14%
source 2.92%
season 2.62%
concern 2.42%
goal 2.41%
campaign 2.20%
responsibility 2.07%
state 1.93%
focus 1.66%
voter 1.47%
allegiance 0.16%
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