1.   Lightly prick dough with a fork, so that it will not rise too much while cooking.

2.   Prick the dough with a fork, and lightly cover with foil, pressing gently to conform with the shape of the dough.

3.   Prick dough all over with a fork and wrap in foil.

4.   Prick dough all over with a fork.

5.   Using a fork, prick dough a few times.

6.   With a fork, prick dough deeply all over.

v. + dough >>共 184
turn 6.81%
roll 6.24%
knead 5.90%
place 4.77%
divide 3.86%
make 3.75%
remove 3.41%
shape 3.18%
press 3.06%
cut 2.27%
prick 0.68%
prick + n. >>共 46
finger 20.69%
bottom 6.90%
conscience 6.21%
ear 5.52%
eggplant 4.83%
bubble 4.14%
hole 4.14%
dough 4.14%
skin 3.45%
potato 3.45%
每页显示:    共 6