1.   Although prevention measures are working in Uganda and Thailand, public health officials have said an end to the worldwide epidemic is unlikely without a vaccine.

2.   Another possibility would be to strip some expensive crime prevention measures from the bill to mollify fiscal conservatives.

3.   A University of Alabama professor who specializes in terrorism addresses a House subcommittee on terrorism prevention measures in the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing.

4.   Alberts and Giuliano expressed concern that people might take selenium supplements and ignore other, more mundane, cancer prevention measures that involve changes in lifestyle.

5.   AIDS prevention measures do work.

6.   Frank said the GOP Congress probably could not repeal prevention measures in the crime bill without a veto.

7.   Helmets should always be regarded as the primary injury prevention measure for reducing all injuries to riders, Podgore says.

8.   House Republicans turned down elements of a juvenile crime bill put forward by Clinton, including prevention measures and a proposal for safety locks on handguns.

9.   Holy Cross is now preparing a range of new policies and prevention measures.

10.   It could, however, refuse to fund those prevention measures, and Clinton could do nothing about that.

n. + measure >>共 887
security 25.25%
austerity 6.96%
safety 5.48%
government 3.14%
ballot 2.99%
reform 2.52%
stimulus 1.96%
conservation 1.87%
tax 1.80%
market 1.64%
prevention 0.57%
prevention + n. >>共 150
program 26.41%
effort 12.06%
measure 5.76%
campaign 3.62%
strategy 3.35%
method 2.55%
message 2.41%
education 1.47%
expert 1.34%
group 1.34%
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