1.   A. Putting stone dust between the bricks will not prevent weeds from coming up in the joints.

2.   But I think that vinegar will be more effective, and will prevent new weeds from growing for nearly the whole summer.

3.   In theory, the jumping traits would also carry the genetic instructions to prevent the weeds from reproducing.

4.   Mulch holds water in the soil, prevents weeds, moderates temperature changes, promotes the growth of needed micro-organisms and improves soil texture as it decays.

5.   Mulch maintains an even soil temperature, conserves moisture and prevents weeds.

6.   Mulch also cools the soil and prevents weeds.

7.   Mulching helps soil retain moisture, prevents weeds and creates an attractive surface.

8.   The maintenance begins in February when he dethatches, followed by applying a pre-emergent to prevent weeds.

9.   The mulch keeps them cool and moist, prevents weeds, and leaches a bit of manure down to the roots every time it rains.

10.   The vines are so prolific they often shade the soil and prevent weeds.

v. + weed >>共 113
pull 14.81%
kill 8.02%
control 6.17%
keep 4.63%
prevent 4.01%
keep_down 3.09%
have 2.47%
clear 2.16%
burn 2.16%
remove 2.16%
prevent + n. >>共 1204
attack 3.54%
violence 1.93%
spread 1.72%
people 1.65%
company 0.97%
infection 0.92%
recurrence 0.88%
problem 0.87%
cancer 0.87%
disease 0.85%
weed 0.06%
每页显示:    共 13