1.   All four were presumed killed, although no evidence was recovered.

2.   But the brothers never arrived, detained and then presumed killed by North Korean soldiers.

3.   Its pilot was lost and presumed killed.

4.   Most of the missing are presumed killed.

5.   The Chinese pilot was lost and presumed killed.

6.   The search for a celebrated Russian mountaineer buried in an avalanche and presumed killed was cut short Monday by bad weather.

7.   U.S. Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, presumed killed in a plane crash in Croatia, was remembered Thursday as a conciliatory voice in U.S. trade disputes with Asia.

v. + killed >>共 6
believe 78.85%
presume 13.46%
assume 1.92%
consider 1.92%
know 1.92%
think 1.92%
presume + a. >>共 37
dead 66.75%
innocent 10.47%
drowned 4.71%
guilty 3.66%
killed 1.83%
lost 1.31%
sane 1.05%
lost_at_sea 0.79%
responsible 0.79%
stolen 0.79%
每页显示:    共 7