1.   A side hole for balloon pressure measurements was placed between the detection electrodes.

2.   The positioning of the recording devices in the colonic lumen and cleansing of the bowel before pressure measurements remain non-standardized.

3.   Correct placement of the catheter was confirmed by portography and direct portal venous pressure measurement was recorded.

4.   This is widely used for steady or mean pressure measurements but cannot respond to rapid fluctuations.

5.   An important aspect of pressure measurements, as well as of velocity measurements with Pitot tubes, is the design of sensitive manometers.

6.   At the same time, the wings must remain rigid because any twisting will influence the pressure measurements.

n. + measurement >>共 158
performance 4.93%
audience 4.58%
radiation 3.52%
body 3.17%
distance 2.11%
laboratory 2.11%
pressure 2.11%
waist 2.11%
satellite 1.76%
gravity 1.41%
pressure + n. >>共 366
system 27.40%
move 6.52%
defense 3.30%
situation 3.17%
area 3.08%
tactics 2.16%
zone 1.89%
center 1.72%
trough 1.63%
drift 1.28%
measurement 0.26%
每页显示:    共 6