1.   A wedge of dry and seasonably warm air will cover the Great Lakes as high pressure glides east across Ontario.

2.   Dry and pleasant conditions will cover the central Great Lakes as high pressure glides east from Michigan.

3.   High pressure will glide across Quebec while sponsoring partial sunshine with rather cool conditions in northern New England.

4.   High pressure will glide off the North Atlantic coast on Monday afternoon, ending the period with clear skies and light winds.

5.   High pressure will glide east toward northern New England and this will help push a cold front into southern New England by Sunday morning.

6.   Some sunshine and more seasonable temperatures will embrace the Northeast as high pressure glides east from Quebec into the Maritimes.

n. + glide >>共 161
sailboat 3.23%
swan 2.82%
boat 2.42%
pressure 2.42%
ski 2.42%
camera 2.02%
bus 2.02%
plane 2.02%
skater 2.02%
skier 1.61%
pressure + v. >>共 583
be 31.94%
mount 5.28%
build 4.19%
come 2.96%
grow 2.27%
continue 2.24%
increase 1.95%
force 1.87%
remain 1.67%
make 1.33%
glide 0.10%
每页显示:    共 6