1.   Several clusters of thunderstorms are possible in Missouri and Iowa as a wedge of very warm air from Texas feeds into the low pressure circulation.

2.   A broad and weak low pressure circulation presently exists across the region, producing very light and variable winds.

3.   A large and broad upper level low pressure circulation resides over the eastern half of the Caribbean this morning and will drift very slowly west and reorganize through Monday.

4.   A weak low pressure trough extends from near Guadeloupe and Martinique this morning north-northeast across the Atlantic to a very weak low pressure circulation over the central Atlantic.

5.   The clouds were produce by a weak low pressure circulation in the middle atmosphere east of Puerto Rico.

n. + circulation >>共 49
air 33.45%
blood 25.18%
newspaper 5.76%
monsoon 3.60%
water 3.24%
wind 3.24%
ocean 2.52%
heat 1.80%
pressure 1.80%
weekday 1.44%
pressure + n. >>共 366
system 27.40%
move 6.52%
defense 3.30%
situation 3.17%
area 3.08%
tactics 2.16%
zone 1.89%
center 1.72%
trough 1.63%
drift 1.28%
circulation 0.22%
每页显示:    共 5