1.   His name had been leaked inadvertently in a press interview which I had given and some one had traced his whereabouts.

2.   In later press interviews both men promised to respect the results of future multiparty elections, which Chissano expected would be held within a year.

3.   Already Cherie Blair, who does not give press interviews, goes to great lengths to shield them from the spotlight.

4.   Also Monday, Microsoft condemned Jackson for giving press interviews during and after the trial, saying that judges are required by law to avoid commenting on pending cases.

5.   Before embarking on these press interviews, Rushdie gave an invitation-only reading at the convention Thursday.

6.   After the reasonably easy doubles victory and his press interviews, Smith called his father, Peter, in Adelaide.

7.   Buffett routinely declines press interviews, but agreed to answer several questions posed through Osberg.

8.   Callers to an Orlando area radio talk show even accused Larson because he had seemed so blank during press interviews.

9.   Dean Witter portfolio managers do not grant press interviews.

10.   DLJ officials declined to comment on the sale and said Securities and Exchange Commission regulations prohibit them from seeking publicity for the IPO through press interviews.

n. + interview >>共 325
telephone 32.99%
television 17.30%
radio 9.17%
job 5.70%
newspaper 5.70%
phone 3.76%
week 3.45%
medium 2.25%
press 1.16%
police 1.04%
press + n. >>共 567
report 24.05%
service 8.46%
freedom 7.43%
office 4.91%
corps 4.01%
briefing 3.54%
coverage 2.86%
statement 2.38%
law 2.05%
officer 2.01%
interview 0.73%
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