1.   Make sure that the wire retainer clips are pressed down firmly to hold the towel in place.

2.   Hannon says the Nicaraguan-style cake is pressed down with clean hands until it absorbs the milks, then it is refrigerated.

3.   Heat the butter or drippings in a heavy skillet and cook the hash, pressing it down well to start a crust.

4.   Spread the rice evenly over the bottom and sides of the pan, using your hands to press it down well to form a dense even crust.

v. + down >>共 10
force 31.58%
press 21.05%
pump 10.53%
buy 5.26%
find 5.26%
have 5.26%
make 5.26%
note 5.26%
order 5.26%
want 5.26%
press + a. >>共 30
hard 25.26%
close 8.42%
ahead 7.37%
in 7.37%
closer 6.32%
down 4.21%
flat 4.21%
deeper 3.16%
harder 3.16%
right 3.16%
每页显示:    共 4