1.   Gently press dough against bottom and sides of pan.

2.   Using the heel of your hand, press the dough firmly into shape.

3.   Be sure not to press the dough into one solid mass.

4.   Dip your fingers in olive oil, and begin to press dough out from middle of pan to edges.

5.   Dust your fingertips with flour and press dough evenly into pan.

6.   For this shortbread crust, just press the dough into the pan rather than rolling it out.

7.   For the deep-dish pan, press the dough halfway up the sides of the pan.

8.   Lightly press dough into a large disk.

9.   Lift the dough circles carefully with a spatula, and place them in the individual molds, pressing the dough into the molds firmly.

10.   Press cookie dough evenly into prepared pan.

v. + dough >>共 184
turn 6.81%
roll 6.24%
knead 5.90%
place 4.77%
divide 3.86%
make 3.75%
remove 3.41%
shape 3.18%
press 3.06%
cut 2.27%
press + n. >>共 762
charge 13.88%
case 7.22%
demand 6.66%
report 5.28%
button 4.98%
issue 3.50%
claim 2.38%
attack 1.82%
offensive 1.66%
point 1.40%
dough 0.63%
每页显示:    共 27