1.   He remains a committed supporter of the present government.

2.   If it wants to borrow, the present Czech government should negotiate repayment terms with existing bondholders first.

3.   The introduction of the notification scheme by the present government was a significant step forward for the parks.

4.   The polls clearly show that the voters are dissatisfied with the present government.

5.   The present government inherited a closed, state-dominated economy.

6.   The present government is involved in a process of national reconciliation and is attempting to address the effects of Decades of apartheid.

7.   The truth commissions have sometimes proved more successful, in part because the present governments are not responsible for past abuses.

8.   There is no denying that the present government has done something to influence both sides of this equation.

9.   These arguments have assumed increasing significance given the general economic situation and the strategies of the present government.

a. + government >>共 549
federal 8.18%
new 5.93%
local 3.51%
bosnian 3.49%
japanese 2.41%
state 2.17%
israeli 2.00%
british 1.96%
chinese 1.85%
russian 1.85%
present 0.17%
present + n. >>共 1491
system 3.56%
situation 2.99%
government 2.59%
form 2.28%
day 2.15%
time 2.12%
crisis 1.56%
level 1.47%
study 1.28%
state 1.26%
每页显示:    共 165