1.   Arrange fish in prepared dish.

2.   Arrange the quarters skin side down in the prepared dish.

3.   Arrange veal side by side and seam down in the prepared dish.

4.   Arrange apples in the prepared dish, drizzle with the maple syrup and sprinkle with the cinnamon and nutmeg.

5.   Arrange in prepared baking dish.

6.   Arrange yams, overlapping in vertical rows, in prepared dish.

7.   A couple of hours before the appointed dinner hour, remove the prepared dishes from the refrigerator and bring to room temperature.

8.   Add the apples to the challah mixture, then pour into the prepared dish.

9.   After preparing the dishes, with help from some of her students, Rodriguez brought out a fully prepared dish of enchiladas from the classroom stove.

10.   Divide the batter among the prepared dishes.

a. + dish >>共 728
baking 9.91%
serving 4.00%
shallow 3.64%
main 2.45%
traditional 2.15%
small 1.76%
dirty 1.58%
prepared 1.52%
chicken 1.49%
vegetarian 1.37%
prepared + n. >>共 308
statement 17.09%
pan 11.91%
text 6.43%
food 6.14%
remark 6.14%
speech 4.02%
dish 3.73%
sheet 1.97%
testimony 1.53%
meal 1.17%
每页显示:    共 51