1.   As will be explained below, it is of the nature of a paradigm to belie precise definition.

2.   Can you give them a precise definition?

3.   Like many terms of the sort, it does not have a very precise definition.

4.   Regulation ought to involve precise definition and separation of wastes into hazardous and non-hazardous, or different levels of hazard.

5.   The depth of the North-South divide, its precise definition, and directions of change are key issues for this volume.

6.   There was a precise definition of task and job.

7.   These arguments present questions of the meaning of the Twenty-first Amendment, the bounds of which have escaped precise definition.

8.   In her intro the author offers rather precise definitions of some of the key words that she will be using throughout her book.

a. + definition >>共 367
new 5.74%
legal 5.52%
high 3.65%
very 3.50%
precise 2.68%
broad 2.54%
common 2.46%
different 2.31%
broader 2.09%
narrow 2.01%
precise + n. >>共 644
figure 6.30%
number 4.33%
location 3.72%
date 3.51%
detail 3.33%
moment 2.11%
information 2.08%
cause 2.04%
time 2.01%
nature 2.01%
definition 1.29%
每页显示:    共 36