1.   As with superficial skin cancers, before oral cancer becomes a potentially deadly disease, it usually forms precancerous lesions that can be readily seen.

2.   Before it becomes a potentially deadly disease it usually forms precancerous lesions that can be easily seen by any doctor.

3.   A dermatologist can use liquid nitrogen to burn off any precancerous lesions and prevent them from developing into full-blown melanoma.

4.   He also expressed concern about studies of olestra that appear to show rats developed precancerous lesions on their livers.

5.   Once a diagnosis is made after a biopsy, a precancerous lesion acquires a new name.

6.   One chemical treatment that has been prescribed by doctors for years is Retin A, used to treat acne and precancerous lesions.

7.   On the contrary, the studies found that half the patients who had precancerous lesions in the upper colon had nothing abnormal lower down.

8.   Using superficial numbing creams, the doctors also provide laser treatment for removal of hair, brown spots, tattoos, birthmarks, spider veins and precancerous lesions.

9.   While examining players in spring training as part of NSTEP, he detected a precancerous white lesion in the mouth of pitcher Curt Schilling of the Philadelphia Phillies.

10.   Studies have shown that smokers have a significantly higher prevalence of developing leukoplakia, a malignant precancerous lesion, as compared to non smokers.

a. + lesion >>共 165
gastric 4.05%
precancerous 3.74%
small 3.43%
suspicious 2.80%
gastrointestinal 2.49%
cancerous 2.18%
upper 2.18%
cervical 1.87%
mucosal 1.87%
similar 1.87%
precancerous + n. >>共 13
lesion 20.34%
polyp 15.25%
cell 13.56%
growth 11.86%
condition 10.17%
skin 10.17%
change 5.08%
colon 3.39%
stage 3.39%
abnormality 1.69%
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