1.   Preaching hatred, as people like Ian Paisley do, only fans the flames of vengeance.

2.   And schools could preach hatred instead of peace and harmony, as Thomas Friedman has argued in The New York Times.

3.   Association officials insist that their viewpoint is a deeply-held religious conviction that does not equate to preaching hatred of homosexuals.

4.   But Adventists are not alone in preaching hatred.

5.   He was the spokesman for the minister of foreign affairs and helped found Radio Free Milles Collines, a radio station that preached hatred against Tutsi at the time.

6.   He was the spokesman for the foreign minister and helped found Radio Television Libre des Milles Collines, a radio station that preached hatred against Tutsis at the time.

7.   Moderate Hutu politicians called for negotiations and accommodation, but extremist Hutu elements gained the ascendancy, preaching racial hatred against the Tutsi.

8.   Neither preached racial hatred.

9.   Perle said the United States must put an end to anti-American ranting in mosques throughout Egypt and in textbooks that preach hatred of the United States.

10.   The rise of the Taliban, headed by fundamentalist Islamic clerics who preach hatred of the West, is mostly to blame for its isolation.

v. + hatred >>共 199
incite 13.47%
express 5.35%
preach 3.56%
harbor 3.17%
encourage 2.38%
fuel 2.38%
feel 2.18%
promote 1.98%
spread 1.98%
inciting 1.98%
preach + n. >>共 273
gospel 6.21%
patience 4.44%
virtue 3.68%
sermon 3.55%
message 3.42%
religion 2.53%
importance 2.28%
value 2.28%
hatred 2.28%
tolerance 2.15%
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