1.   Britain faced the prospect of a winter without food and without energy, at the mercy of powerful unions and ineffective employers.

2.   Analysts said it will take investor-owned ports a long time to restructure labor relations dominated by powerful unions and cut port loading costs.

3.   And three powerful manufacturing unions, which led the way in organizing decades ago, are now doing only a modest amount.

4.   Another powerful union, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, has still not committed to a candidate.

5.   At the same time, they ended up clashing with other powerful health care unions they saw as too close to management.

6.   A powerful union at the bank has raised concern among some potential investors, analysts said.

7.   A powerful union at the bank has concerned some potential investors, analysts said.

8.   Businessmen are generally seen as impossible mayoral candidates in this city of powerful unions.

9.   But their powerful union went one step too far this summer, persuading almost all the umps to resign as a negotiating ploy.

10.   Giuliani has the support of many powerful unions.

a. + union >>共 630
monetary 23.07%
european 5.29%
civil 3.89%
new 2.88%
the 2.35%
local 2.25%
independent 1.81%
major 1.72%
political 1.52%
powerful 1.47%
powerful + n. >>共 1047
force 3.03%
explosion 1.81%
bomb 1.80%
man 1.69%
computer 1.56%
tool 1.37%
earthquake 1.22%
politician 1.12%
drug 1.04%
position 0.99%
union 0.48%
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