1.   And it presents an interesting parallel to the theory that powerful bureaucracies inhibit the development of parties and legislatures.

2.   And the current ruling coalition is too unstable to push major spending or tax cut plans through the powerful bureaucracy.

3.   Most alarming to gunowners, it also creates a powerful new federal bureaucracy charged with keeping tabs on every firearm, bullet, and legal gunowner in the country.

4.   In an effort to give his conservative party a progressive image, he proposed a series of reforms aimed at cutting the dominance of the powerful bureaucracy.

5.   Opposition parties painted that as yet another attempt by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party to protect the privilege of the powerful central bureaucracy.

6.   The government has attempted to phase out these taxes and levies, but each time it has met resistance from the powerful bureaucracy.

7.   The Interior Ministry, considered the most powerful bureaucracy, always tops the list of the CCC as the agency with the most complaints against it.

8.   Britain argued that Dehaene was too bullish on creating a powerful European Union bureaucracy that would stifle free-market competition.

a. + bureaucracy >>共 349
federal 11.55%
bloated 6.09%
state 5.91%
new 4.45%
entrenched 2.18%
russian 1.45%
cumbersome 1.36%
large 1.36%
huge 1.18%
unwieldy 1.18%
powerful 0.82%
powerful + n. >>共 1047
force 3.03%
explosion 1.81%
bomb 1.80%
man 1.69%
computer 1.56%
tool 1.37%
earthquake 1.22%
politician 1.12%
drug 1.04%
position 0.99%
bureaucracy 0.07%
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