1.   Kurdish politicians shamefully put their own power feuds above the desire of ordinary Kurds to live free.

2.   In a spiralling power feud, Lukashenko is planning his own referendum the same day for a new constitution that would strengthen his powers and dilute those of parliament.

3.   Lukashenko, accused by opponents of trying to create a dictatorship, and parliament have been locked in a power feud for weeks over the two referendums.

4.   Lukashenko and parliament have been locked in a power feud for weeks over the two referendums.

5.   Lukashenko and parliament have been locked in a power feud for weeks over two draft constitutions which both want to put to the Belarus people.

6.   Lukashenko and parliament have been locked in a power feud for weeks over two referendums which both want to put to the people of Belarus.

n. + feud >>共 79
gang 11.49%
biker 6.76%
land 4.05%
power 4.05%
three-year 4.05%
clan 3.38%
trade 3.38%
two-year 3.38%
neighborhood 2.03%
week 2.03%
power + n. >>共 531
struggle 8.54%
line 8.11%
company 5.66%
outage 4.34%
supply 3.73%
base 2.61%
cut 2.28%
failure 2.28%
generation 2.20%
generator 2.05%
feud 0.04%
每页显示:    共 6