1.   Pour the broth through a strainer.

2.   A light, clear beef broth is poured over rice noodles and sliced beef to yield a soup that is filling yet low in calories and fat.

3.   Place onions in large baking dish, pour broth into pan.

4.   Place the tops on the peppers and pour the broth into the dish.

5.   Pour broth off vegetables and retain.

6.   Pour chicken broth over all.

7.   Pour broth into pan, scraping up any drippings that have stuck to bottom of pan.

8.   Pour broth into the slow cooker.

9.   Pour broth over stuffing and stir to moisten bread evenly.

10.   Pour chicken broth over chicken and vegetables.

v. + broth >>共 67
add 24.03%
pour 10.47%
bring 7.75%
strain 6.20%
reserve 5.43%
ladle 3.88%
heat 3.10%
use 3.10%
make 3.10%
season 1.94%
pour + n. >>共 461
money 9.88%
water 7.79%
mixture 7.08%
sauce 4.06%
million 3.05%
batter 2.29%
rain 2.12%
liquid 1.89%
oil 1.89%
billion 1.83%
broth 0.76%
每页显示:    共 27