1.   Bad driving can cause potentially fatal accidents.

2.   Blood clots in the legs are potentially fatal.

3.   I have come to the same conclusion as many people who find that they have a potentially fatal disease.

4.   It is standard medical practice here not to tell the patient about potentially fatal illnesses, especially cancer.

5.   Preeclampsia is a potentially fatal condition that usually strikes in the last trimester of pregnancy.

6.   Recently I have experienced serious and potentially fatal fevers.

7.   These include the more firmly established association between the drugs and a potentially fatal lung disease, primary pulmonary hypertension.

8.   This standard ensures the unit is waterproof and so prevents an accidental, and potentially fatal, combination of water and electricity.

d. + fatal >>共 85
potentially 31.41%
often 8.18%
sometimes 7.78%
not 7.38%
usually 6.28%
always 4.79%
rarely 4.59%
even 3.59%
nearly 2.79%
invariably 1.79%
potentially + a. >>共 812
dangerous 8.33%
fatal 6.01%
explosive 4.35%
deadly 3.70%
lucrative 3.22%
lethal 2.54%
serious 2.35%
damaging 2.25%
harmful 1.66%
huge 1.58%
每页显示:    共 313