1.   Among the likely proposals is one to privatize the state-run postal savings system.

2.   Among the proposals was to make the state-run postal savings and insurance systems into private entities.

3.   And indeed throughout Italy, long lines formed in recent weeks in banks and at postal savings windows as Italians reshuffled their portfolios.

4.   And LDP officials told Bloomberg News they were already discussing the use of money from the national postal savings and pension system to buy preferred shares of banks.

5.   And LDP officials told Bloomberg News they were discussing the use of money from the national postal savings and pension system to buy preferred shares of banks.

6.   But unlike them, he strongly favors small government, which is manifested in his calls to cut the bureaucracy and privatize the postal savings system.

7.   Commercial bankers have been pressing the administration to put the postal savings system in private hands.

8.   Eventually, the postal savings system would be made a private company, according to the proposal.

9.   Eventually, the postal savings system would be privatized, according to the proposal.

10.   Japanese bonds fell after the ruling Liberal Democratic Party called for the government to change the way it invests postal savings funds, traders said.

a. + saving >>共 396
personal 5.18%
domestic 4.05%
substantial 3.75%
national 3.34%
private 2.82%
significant 2.57%
big 2.51%
postal 2.51%
potential 2.21%
high 2.21%
postal + n. >>共 244
worker 32.92%
official 7.58%
employee 5.36%
system 5.13%
inspector 4.48%
facility 4.16%
authority 2.27%
saving 2.27%
center 1.80%
rate 1.76%
每页显示:    共 49