1.   Another opponent, Tim Gibson, says opponents have been portrayed unfairly.

2.   Barksdale, the newcomer, portrayed his opponent as a dinosaur who will be dethroned by the budding Internet.

3.   Chabot portrays his opponent as a tax-and-spend liberal.

4.   He attacked Hollywood, home of the show horse, and portrayed his opponent as a glib product of Madison Avenue.

5.   Like other Democratic candidates around the country, Torricelli is attempting to portray his opponent as a clone of House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

6.   Now he is the featured character in ads for three California House Republicans seeking to portray their opponents as soft on crime.

7.   Putin benefited from flattering blanket news coverage, while his opponents were portrayed in a negative light if at all.

8.   Putin benefited from flattering news coverage, while his opponents were portrayed in a negative light if at all.

9.   Spitzer sought to portray his opponent as a captive of partisan interests who has sullied an office that used to command more respect.

10.   They portray opponents as a mix of eco-terrorists, Japan-bashers and Chicken Littles who think the sky is falling.

v. + opponent >>共 812
accuse 2.74%
have 2.52%
face 2.52%
beat 2.37%
attack 2.04%
intimidate 1.53%
kill 1.29%
keep 1.23%
criticize 1.08%
overwhelm 0.93%
portray 0.45%
portray + n. >>共 773
woman 3.21%
character 2.38%
people 1.66%
man 1.54%
life 1.48%
president 1.43%
opponent 0.89%
decision 0.77%
case 0.77%
scene 0.71%
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