1.   Another subtle difference can be the portfolio makeup, particularly the cash component.

2.   Finally, I have no problem with the overall portfolio makeup, since your selections should show solid long-term growth.

3.   Given your long-term investment time frame, I have no problem with your current portfolio makeup, and I certainly would eschew bonds.

4.   These are funds which alter their portfolio makeups as they approach a target date.

n. + makeup >>共 76
eye 18.45%
pancake 11.31%
gender 4.17%
body 3.57%
stage 2.98%
team 2.98%
clown 2.38%
blackface 2.38%
portfolio 2.38%
face 1.79%
portfolio + n. >>共 154
manager 47.99%
investment 7.11%
company 3.65%
management 2.81%
investor 2.43%
holding 1.87%
adjustment 1.40%
change 1.22%
performance 1.12%
diversification 1.03%
makeup 0.37%
每页显示:    共 4