1.   Also pork chops and pork tenderloin.

2.   And they are just as delicous served with pork tenderloin or chicken, lamb or tuna, as they are with turkey and ham.

3.   Another fine main course is grilled pork tenderloin that is basted with a green-and-red chili jelly, and served with a green chili potato.

4.   Blackened whatever has finally gone the way of most fads, but the delicious spicy crust on this pork tenderloin makes this a recipe worth keeping.

5.   Both the cilantro marinated shrimp and the pork tenderloin can be served hot or made just before the guests arrive and served at room temperature.

6.   Acorn squash with savory pork, uniting the flavors of pork tenderloin and orange, is one of the highs.

7.   After feasting on scallops, pork tenderloin and butterscotch creme brulee, the lights in the restaurant dimmed so we could watch the nightly fireworks show.

8.   But a recipe such as breast of duck with apple and ginger dipping sauce is feasible, and the sauce could work as well with pork tenderloin.

9.   But contemporary homemakers have virtually abandoned these big cuts in favor of quicker-cooking pieces, from chicken breasts to pork tenderloin.

10.   Carnivores may insist upon a ham, roasted chickens, a pork tenderloin or The Big Bird.

n. + tenderloin >>共 9
pork 64.95%
beef 23.71%
veal 3.09%
lamb 2.06%
rabbit 2.06%
dinner 1.03%
elk 1.03%
season 1.03%
too-dry 1.03%
pork + n. >>共 186
future 15.37%
chops 10.07%
product 6.74%
price 5.30%
tenderloin 4.77%
loin 3.71%
producer 3.18%
roast 2.88%
sausage 2.57%
import 2.50%
每页显示:    共 63