1.   After his election, Bucaram seemed to step back from his populist campaign style.

2.   Earlier this year, the U.S. Taxpayers Party was banking on Pat Buchanan to wage his populist campaign under its banner.

3.   He had hoped to run a populist campaign built on a foundation of fiscal responsibility, but could not keep pace financially with Bush, Republican officials said.

4.   McCain touted his populist campaign at three question-and-answer sessions as Bush canvassed southern New Hampshire with his famous family in tow.

5.   Populist campaigns usually arise from adversity.

6.   Temperamentally, Thompson is inclined to such hectoring certitude, despite his populist campaign rhetoric.

7.   The contests were tailor-made for Alexander, who was not well-known, and for Buchanan, who fueled his populist campaign with close voter contact.

8.   The revelation comes at a time when newspaper ads from Livingston, known as Red Ken, have been appealing for donations to fund his populist campaign.

9.   To the chagrin of the GOP establishment, an unbowing Buchanan says that he will continue his shoestring populist campaign all the way to the national convention in August.

10.   To the chagrin of the GOP establishment, Buchanan says he will continue his shoestring populist campaign all the way to the convention.

a. + campaign >>共 781
presidential 9.94%
military 4.03%
advertising 3.60%
bombing 3.42%
political 3.28%
new 2.36%
national 1.81%
marketing 1.69%
major 1.15%
aggressive 1.13%
populist 0.08%
populist + n. >>共 307
rhetoric 3.87%
politician 3.60%
leader 3.20%
appeal 2.67%
campaign 2.27%
message 1.74%
movement 1.74%
party 1.60%
candidate 1.47%
platform 1.47%
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