1.   And while the overall veteran population is declining, the patient population is rising because surviving veterans are getting older.

2.   As the heat builds up, the nematode population declines.

3.   But the herring population declined and Clovelly began the transition to an economy based on tourism.

4.   Coastal shark populations have declined so drastically in recent years that recreational fishermen are practicing strict shark conservation measures unheard of only a few decades ago.

5.   Elsewhere in the nation, koala populations are declining, threatened by wood-chip production, foxes, dogs, automobiles and urbanization.

6.   Even though populations are declining in Europe, immigration levels are a source of conflict for some sectors of the population.

7.   He and Plonin said draft horses are in short supply in Russia, and that the horse population in general is declining worldwide.

8.   In a metapopulation view of nature, populations periodically decline or go extinct but are rescued by migrating neighbors.

9.   In Wyandotte County, where the overall population declined, Hispanics more than doubled their numbers, and Asians increased by almost two-thirds.

n. + decline >>共 582
official 20.84%
spokesman 8.98%
company 4.99%
spokeswoman 3.23%
stock 2.95%
police 2.86%
price 2.71%
executive 1.51%
authority 1.49%
prosecutor 1.13%
population 0.22%
population + v. >>共 369
be 25.69%
grow 8.47%
have 2.58%
continue 2.30%
increase 2.30%
become 1.72%
begin 1.44%
swell 1.39%
decline 1.34%
live 1.34%
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